Public Lands Policy

Proponents are calling for closing off the public lands because of over use… 🌲🌲 🏞🌳🐦 πŸ•Š πŸ¦† 🦌

Proponents are calling for closing off the public lands because of over use… 🌲🌲 🏞🌳🐦 πŸ•Š πŸ¦† 🦌

I believe the radical environmentalists who want to destroy our country are the greatest threat to public lands. We must fight back against those who want to lock them up and close them down and ban public use. Public lands belong to the public not the radicals!

We need multiple use lands and managed forests supported with funding by timber sales, oil and gas production and leased grazing rights. The philosophy should be greatest good for the greatest number over time, as public lands belong to the public.. We should adopt the philosophy of the Gifford Pichot and the US Forest Service.

Lately, the ideology of the radicals has been to find every thing in the forest preserve that is broken, every mud puddle, every filled up parking lot and put it on an 8×11 photograph and post it on the internet and create these reports that they send to the politicians insisting that public lands be closed down and that public access to limited or completely banned. Ignoring the fact that most of the public land isn’t shown on the frame.

If there is a problem with litter, then state should hire more people to remove litter and put out more garbage cans. It used by most parks had garbage cans, and they dumped the garbage in a gravel pit. Not every garbage pit is Love Canal. Is it really necessary for the state to haul every piece of back country litter two hundred miles to a designated landfill when for generations old cans and wrappers were buried in nearby sand burrow pits?

If trails are being worn out, then they should have more staff repairing trails, bring in more gravel, more rock, and make more hardened repairs. The state owns thousands of acres of land which can be used to provide rock, dirt and timber for improving state facilities. Build new trails and parking areas to spread out impacts.

The solution shouldn’t be closing off, locking up and hiring more jack booted thugs every time an area gets heavy use compared to the under-sized, under built infrastructure when the state has so much in natural resources that could be exploited for public benefit.