Role of Government

Small Business

Many people advocate for small business and supporting local businesses. I generally oppose small business for two reasons:

1) Small business is wasteful and inefficient
2) Small business is hard to regulate

Business should be impersonal and professional. There should be standardized policies that are followed in all cases — along with policies dealing with exceptions when appropriate. Personal relationships should have no bearing on an economic relationship.

Any business can be run by dishonest individuals. A large business while potentially dishonest with have standardized procedures that government can and should regulate. It’s harder for a large business to hide their bad actions.

Government Gives Gas Stations Some Competition

Interesting idea, although I can envision a few problems with regulatory conflict. Government is terrible at regulating government, it always seeks to bail out failing governments by bending the letter and intent of the law to provide a little more revenue. Ask the City of Albany about how well government-run facilities are regulated by the state, especially when it comes at an economic cost.