Role of Government

Apollo 17.

Apollo 17.

Forty-four years ago today was the last time since man kind has put his foot on the moon. While we still have the International Space Station and probes to Mars, it's been nearly a half century since mankind has been on the moon, reflecting changing priorities and the diminished interest in having man on the moon.

Dangerous criminals should be executed

If there is one thing that is clear, it’s that dangerous people should be put behind bars and ultimately executed. There are some that say we should release β€œdangerous” criminals after a while, but I have to disagree. If any person commits a felony, it should be a life-sentence and they go to prison and are eventually executed after full review of the crime.

The death penalty is underused in America – only reserved for the most serious crimes. Most criminals – even those convicted of heinous crimes – get a chance of release from prison after a certain period of time. But if somebody commits a crime, that is so serious that warrants a felony conviction and long-term imprisonment, the only punishment fitting is death.

The current form of releasing former criminals as non-citizens with limited rights is not only cruel, it’s dangerous.Β If a former criminal is not fit to own a firearm, to vote, or own a business, or live unrestricted, they should be killed.Β If we feel a person is unable to recover any disabilities caused by a past acts, then the only proper punishment should be death.


Persons unable to be responsible citizens should be executed rather then released back into the public as non-citizens.