Wilcox Lake Wild Forest
Pealing Paint
Part of NY 8 has stainless steel guardrails that were painted brown when they were installed but have a lot of paint pealing off them. Most of the COR-TEN guard rails that once were common in the Adirondacks have been removed due to premature rusting.
Taken on Saturday May 2, 2020 at East Branch Sacandaga River.Wilcox Lake Wild Forest
The many peaks and mountains that make up this vast forest in southern Adirondacks.
Taken on Friday April 17, 2009 at Hadley Mountain.Walking Along Garnet Lake Road
As you can see there was still a fair bit of snow remaining in this somewhat sheltered valley.
Taken on Friday April 22, 2011 at Garnet Lake.Livingston Lake, Middle Flowage, Lens Lake
As seen from Crane Mountain.
Taken on Friday April 13, 2012 at Crane Mountain.