Donald Trump’s Cringe NFT Collection Sells Out, Raising $4.45M – CNET
Trump Sells $99 NFT Trading Cards of Himself, Confusing Allies
Why It Kind of Sucks to Live in Rural Upstate NY π
I think it’s easy to blame partisan politics for woes of rural Upstate New York, or any rural part of a blue state. It must be fault of the Democrats, the conservative Republicans like to say. But I think it’s more complicated then that — it’s that urban governance isn’t always the best for rural areas. The same can be said with many of the red states down south, where cities find themselves controlled by rural-dominated legislatures who set down policies that are simply bad for cities.
Living in an rural part of a blue state, means a life full of work-arounds for inflexible policies that are created and well meaning for urban areas. The same is true with red states. The problem is the way states are drawn — they’re historical accidents rather then communities of interest. And while activities in one part of a state effect others, often power is used to punish for ideological reasons.
IRC 12/1 ADP vs 2022 Enacted Districts
I was playing around with RStudio and my ADP calculation code, and looking at competitive races (at least one Democrat and Republican on each line), I calculated the Average Democratic Performance for the enacted districts and those proposed by the Independent Redistricting Commission. The proposed lines would make some districts more competitive, but certainly would make the state somewhat redder.
Assembly District Democratic Performance (2020) |
Enacted 2022 | Lean 2022 | IRC 12/1 Proposed | Lean IRC | Shift | |
1 | 52.6% | Lean Dem | 51.9% | Lean Dem | −0.7% |
2 | 40.4% | Republican | 42.0% | Republican | 1.6% |
3 | 46.2% | Lean Rep | 45.9% | Lean Rep | −0.3% |
4 | 52.9% | Lean Dem | 52.3% | Lean Dem | −0.5% |
5 | 42.2% | Republican | 42.3% | Republican | 0.1% |
6 | 72.6% | Democratic | 74.9% | Democratic | 2.3% |
7 | 42.4% | Republican | 42.8% | Republican | 0.4% |
8 | 39.8% | Republican | 40.0% | Republican | 0.2% |
9 | 39.4% | Republican | 45.6% | Lean Rep | 6.1% |
10 | 55.7% | Democratic | 56.0% | Democratic | 0.3% |
11 | 60.4% | Democratic | 58.2% | Democratic | −2.2% |
12 | 48.3% | Lean Rep | 49.7% | Lean Rep | 1.5% |
13 | 60.2% | Democratic | 45.3% | Lean Rep | −14.9% |
14 | 44.5% | Republican | 47.4% | Lean Rep | 2.8% |
15 | 49.5% | Lean Rep | 55.7% | Democratic | 6.2% |
16 | 57.6% | Democratic | 58.1% | Democratic | 0.5% |
17 | 42.1% | Republican | 37.9% | Republican | −4.2% |
18 | 87.5% | Democratic | 87.7% | Democratic | 0.2% |
19 | 44.2% | Republican | 46.7% | Lean Rep | 2.6% |
20 | 51.1% | Lean Dem | 51.5% | Lean Dem | 0.4% |
21 | 55.8% | Democratic | 56.9% | Democratic | 1.1% |
22 | 65.5% | Democratic | 65.6% | Democratic | 0.1% |
23 | 56.5% | Democratic | 57.2% | Democratic | 0.7% |
24 | 70.3% | Democratic | 73.9% | Democratic | 3.6% |
25 | 62.9% | Democratic | 62.2% | Democratic | −0.7% |
26 | 56.8% | Democratic | 60.6% | Democratic | 3.8% |
27 | 60.9% | Democratic | 57.6% | Democratic | −3.3% |
28 | 61.9% | Democratic | 68.6% | Democratic | 6.6% |
29 | 88.5% | Democratic | 85.5% | Democratic | −3.0% |
30 | 65.7% | Democratic | 68.2% | Democratic | 2.5% |
31 | 84.8% | Democratic | 81.1% | Democratic | −3.7% |
32 | 87.8% | Democratic | 87.8% | Democratic | −0.0% |
33 | 82.3% | Democratic | 87.9% | Democratic | 5.6% |
34 | 72.6% | Democratic | 72.8% | Democratic | 0.3% |
35 | 76.0% | Democratic | 76.0% | Democratic | −0.1% |
36 | 76.4% | Democratic | 77.5% | Democratic | 1.0% |
37 | 70.4% | Democratic | 65.7% | Democratic | −4.7% |
38 | 70.5% | Democratic | 64.4% | Democratic | −6.1% |
39 | 70.4% | Democratic | 76.4% | Democratic | 6.0% |
40 | 63.8% | Democratic | 62.8% | Democratic | −1.0% |
41 | 70.4% | Democratic | 51.5% | Lean Dem | −18.9% |
42 | 86.5% | Democratic | 87.0% | Democratic | 0.5% |
43 | 88.0% | Democratic | 88.1% | Democratic | 0.0% |
44 | 76.3% | Democratic | 77.2% | Democratic | 0.8% |
45 | 52.7% | Lean Dem | 61.0% | Democratic | 8.4% |
46 | 60.1% | Democratic | 58.3% | Democratic | −1.8% |
47 | 61.8% | Democratic | 57.8% | Democratic | −4.0% |
48 | 47.8% | Lean Rep | 48.1% | Lean Rep | 0.4% |
49 | 64.1% | Democratic | 68.2% | Democratic | 4.1% |
50 | 81.1% | Democratic | 82.4% | Democratic | 1.3% |
51 | 80.0% | Democratic | 77.7% | Democratic | −2.3% |
52 | 82.2% | Democratic | 83.6% | Democratic | 1.5% |
53 | 88.0% | Democratic | 84.6% | Democratic | −3.4% |
54 | 91.4% | Democratic | 90.2% | Democratic | −1.3% |
55 | 94.4% | Democratic | 94.5% | Democratic | 0.1% |
56 | 90.8% | Democratic | 90.3% | Democratic | −0.5% |
57 | 87.4% | Democratic | 87.3% | Democratic | −0.1% |
58 | 95.8% | Democratic | 95.7% | Democratic | −0.1% |
59 | 79.5% | Democratic | 87.6% | Democratic | 8.1% |
60 | 94.8% | Democratic | 94.9% | Democratic | 0.1% |
61 | 69.8% | Democratic | 71.6% | Democratic | 1.8% |
62 | 39.3% | Republican | 38.5% | Republican | −0.7% |
63 | 53.4% | Lean Dem | 46.6% | Lean Rep | −6.8% |
64 | 44.7% | Republican | 48.8% | Lean Rep | 4.2% |
65 | 82.9% | Democratic | 81.4% | Democratic | −1.4% |
66 | 82.8% | Democratic | 82.4% | Democratic | −0.5% |
67 | 84.2% | Democratic | 84.2% | Democratic | −0.0% |
68 | 89.0% | Democratic | 89.3% | Democratic | 0.4% |
69 | 86.0% | Democratic | 85.8% | Democratic | −0.3% |
70 | 91.3% | Democratic | 91.2% | Democratic | −0.1% |
71 | 88.9% | Democratic | 89.3% | Democratic | 0.3% |
72 | 88.4% | Democratic | 88.1% | Democratic | −0.3% |
73 | 74.3% | Democratic | 75.6% | Democratic | 1.3% |
74 | 81.6% | Democratic | 82.6% | Democratic | 1.0% |
75 | 83.7% | Democratic | 84.6% | Democratic | 0.9% |
76 | 79.4% | Democratic | 79.1% | Democratic | −0.3% |
77 | 93.9% | Democratic | 94.1% | Democratic | 0.2% |
78 | 90.9% | Democratic | 90.8% | Democratic | −0.1% |
79 | 94.1% | Democratic | 94.1% | Democratic | 0.1% |
80 | 84.0% | Democratic | 85.4% | Democratic | 1.4% |
81 | 81.8% | Democratic | 82.2% | Democratic | 0.3% |
82 | 77.0% | Democratic | 76.2% | Democratic | −0.8% |
83 | 95.5% | Democratic | 95.5% | Democratic | 0.0% |
84 | 92.9% | Democratic | 92.6% | Democratic | −0.3% |
85 | 92.9% | Democratic | 93.0% | Democratic | 0.0% |
86 | 93.7% | Democratic | 93.9% | Democratic | 0.3% |
87 | 91.4% | Democratic | 91.2% | Democratic | −0.1% |
88 | 63.9% | Democratic | 61.2% | Democratic | −2.7% |
89 | 84.0% | Democratic | 83.5% | Democratic | −0.5% |
90 | 62.2% | Democratic | 63.8% | Democratic | 1.6% |
91 | 66.2% | Democratic | 66.1% | Democratic | −0.1% |
92 | 65.2% | Democratic | 66.7% | Democratic | 1.5% |
93 | 62.9% | Democratic | 62.8% | Democratic | −0.1% |
94 | 42.2% | Republican | 47.1% | Lean Rep | 5.0% |
95 | 61.8% | Democratic | 64.7% | Democratic | 2.9% |
96 | 60.5% | Democratic | 65.9% | Democratic | 5.4% |
97 | 58.8% | Democratic | 51.2% | Lean Dem | −7.6% |
98 | 43.2% | Republican | 45.8% | Lean Rep | 2.6% |
99 | 43.5% | Republican | 45.0% | Lean Rep | 1.5% |
100 | 52.2% | Lean Dem | 43.6% | Republican | −8.6% |
101 | 41.6% | Republican | 48.4% | Lean Rep | 6.8% |
102 | 37.8% | Republican | 42.6% | Republican | 4.8% |
103 | 56.6% | Democratic | 55.3% | Democratic | −1.3% |
104 | 56.6% | Democratic | 55.9% | Democratic | −0.8% |
105 | 38.3% | Republican | 40.0% | Republican | 1.7% |
106 | 48.9% | Lean Rep | 44.0% | Republican | −4.9% |
107 | 44.6% | Republican | 42.1% | Republican | −2.5% |
108 | 54.1% | Lean Dem | 51.6% | Lean Dem | −2.5% |
109 | 65.8% | Democratic | 68.4% | Democratic | 2.6% |
110 | 50.9% | Lean Dem | 48.4% | Lean Rep | −2.5% |
111 | 48.4% | Lean Rep | 49.1% | Lean Rep | 0.7% |
112 | 42.1% | Republican | 43.2% | Republican | 1.2% |
113 | 47.0% | Lean Rep | 45.5% | Lean Rep | −1.6% |
114 | 36.2% | Republican | 38.6% | Republican | 2.4% |
115 | 46.3% | Lean Rep | 45.0% | Lean Rep | −1.2% |
116 | 41.6% | Republican | 42.2% | Republican | 0.6% |
117 | 32.4% | Republican | 35.5% | Republican | 3.1% |
118 | 31.5% | Republican | 31.5% | Republican | 0.0% |
119 | 45.1% | Lean Rep | 44.6% | Republican | −0.5% |
120 | 33.5% | Republican | 36.0% | Republican | 2.5% |
121 | 36.7% | Republican | 38.6% | Republican | 2.0% |
122 | 40.0% | Republican | 38.2% | Republican | −1.7% |
123 | 49.7% | Lean Rep | 49.7% | Lean Rep | 0.0% |
124 | 37.3% | Republican | 37.2% | Republican | −0.1% |
125 | 61.1% | Democratic | 62.0% | Democratic | 0.9% |
126 | 42.7% | Republican | 39.0% | Republican | −3.7% |
127 | 47.9% | Lean Rep | 48.3% | Lean Rep | 0.4% |
128 | 58.4% | Democratic | 49.4% | Lean Rep | −9.0% |
129 | 59.2% | Democratic | 71.6% | Democratic | 12.4% |
130 | 37.5% | Republican | 33.5% | Republican | −3.9% |
131 | 38.8% | Republican | 41.9% | Republican | 3.1% |
132 | 33.8% | Republican | 33.3% | Republican | −0.5% |
133 | 35.8% | Republican | 42.4% | Republican | 6.6% |
134 | 35.4% | Republican | 38.8% | Republican | 3.3% |
135 | 49.0% | Lean Rep | 46.7% | Lean Rep | −2.4% |
136 | 61.4% | Democratic | 64.0% | Democratic | 2.6% |
137 | 69.1% | Democratic | 82.3% | Democratic | 13.2% |
138 | 56.1% | Democratic | 43.4% | Republican | −12.6% |
139 | 31.1% | Republican | 30.2% | Republican | −0.9% |
140 | 54.6% | Lean Dem | 55.1% | Democratic | 0.5% |
141 | 86.2% | Democratic | 85.1% | Democratic | −1.1% |
142 | 53.6% | Lean Dem | 50.8% | Lean Dem | −2.8% |
143 | 54.2% | Lean Dem | 51.7% | Lean Dem | −2.5% |
144 | 36.7% | Republican | 35.6% | Republican | −1.1% |
145 | 45.0% | Lean Rep | 47.7% | Lean Rep | 2.7% |
146 | 53.4% | Lean Dem | 43.6% | Republican | −9.8% |
147 | 35.4% | Republican | 37.7% | Republican | 2.3% |
148 | 30.1% | Republican | 30.8% | Republican | 0.7% |
149 | 57.6% | Democratic | 72.9% | Democratic | 15.3% |
150 | 37.8% | Republican | 37.5% | Republican | −0.3% |
Andy Arthur, 12/3/22. Created in RStudio using gt/dplyr/sf.
ADP calculated based on all competitive races in 2020 LATFOR data, |
Why Trump Is Favored To Win The 2024 Republican Presidential Primary | FiveThirtyEight
We don’t even know every result of 2022 yet, but the 2024 election has already begun. On Tuesday, former President Donald Trump announced that he would seek a second nonconsecutive term as president. While it’s too early to predict Trump’s chances of going all the way, the former president is the current favorite to win the Republican primary again. But nothing is assured.
First, Trump remains popular and influential among Republican voters. According to Civiqs, 80 percent of registered Republican voters have a favorable view of the former president, and only 11 percent have an unfavorable view. Admittedly, he is a little less popular than on Election Day 2020 when 91 percent viewed him favorably. But the decline has been gradual.
Precinct shapes (and vote results) for US elections past, present, and future.