
2023 Party Representation in NY Congress

2023 Party Representation in NY Congress

Party Number Percent
Democratic 15 57.7
Republican 11 42.3

2023 Party Representation in NY State Senate

Party Number Percent
Democratic 42 66.7
Republican 21 33.3

2023 Party Representation in NY State Assembly

Party Number Percent
Democratic 101 67.3
Republican 49 32.7


People are Different

Politics these days has gotten much too angry lately. Why do people have to hate others who live differently then themselves so much?

We all have different priorities and values. Some people view some rights more important then others, some prefer freedom over safety on certain issues. Some people believe certain activities should be legal others believe they should be banned.

There needs to be more respect for people who are different then you. Not everybody is of the same race, gender, creed, sexual orientation, or religious belief. Some people live in cities, some in suburban areas, and some in rural areas.

As a society, we would be better off if people took a deep breath and said, while I disagree with you, I understand where your coming from. People who are different then you are not stupid or ignorant, but instead just have different values.

I wish more often people would say, I disagree with you but I respect you for having different experiences and views.