I don't own a television but I imagine this is what approximately the 20-minutes of every hour of TV watching is like. Her is the backstory of this video, as created by 1980s Mad Men: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-bill-hells
NOTE: This video contains most of George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words, but it's hilarious.
Stupid automotive question: Why does the Chevy Bolt have a physical shift linkage for PRNDL, that controlled by an actuator, when all that's inside the "transmission" is a parking pawl and a sensor that indicates the position the transmission is located in to tell the computer which way to control the motor? It's not like the physical shift linkage moves any gears. Electric motors don't have gears, they have 100% torque at 1 MPH and reverse by reversing the direction of the electricity.
Government regulation? What GM had in the parts bucket? Unneeded complexity? Doesn't make much sense to me.
The dissassembly of the engine of the Chevy Bolt EV is fascinating. It's very different then a conventional gasoline automobile under the hood.
I am actually surprised how truly different the power train is -- and in many ways simpler then a gasser or diesel -- no emissions equipment, no transmission or gear box. Nearly every component is electrical, there is no serpentine belt or alternator. Interestingly enough, the cabin heat uses anti-freeze like a conventional automobile.