Country Life
3 EASY MEAT ANIMALS for BEGINNERS to RAISE AND PROCESS | Homesteady Podcast Episode 114
I never thought about feeder sheep as being a good meat animal, but like cows and rabbits they can live exclusively on grass. And apparently they are a relatively easy animal to slaughter at home as their carcasses are relatively small. The meat does have a strong taste and can't be used without the right seasonings and can't be mixed with virtually anything unlike chicken or even rabbit.
Gardening on Cheap Land, Building Soil Fertility
6 Mistakes to AVOID when Buying Raw Land {for a HOMESTEAD}
Setting Up the Perfect 1 Acre Pig Farm (in the woods)
Running pigs in the woods is an interesting idea, especially when you have a lot of underbrush and invasive crap to clean up and want to really tear up the soil. Goats are good for some purposes, especially chewing away at brush but they won't tear up the soil like pigs will or restore it with lots of rich organic matter.
Artificial Insemination for Cattle l How to AI a Cow
Why are Dalmatians the Traditional Dog of Choice at Firestations?
Everybody knows that firefighters have Dalmatians as their dog of choice. But why? This video explains the history of Dalmations and firefighting.