
A variety of maps, writings, and photos on a various topics that can’t easily be categorized into a county or place.

WV Off the Grid Cabin

I really enjoy watching these videos at night of different people's off-grid cabins. It's interesting to see what all kinds of different people do. West Virginia is definitely a beautiful state, quiet and very delightful, especially in the National Forest region.

Just get the full pineapple! 🍍

My mom insisted that I should get the pre-cored pineapple for two to three times the price as cutting a pineapple is difficult. She of advanced age has trouble cutting fruit, an issue with sharp knifes I don’t have. And I’m glad I didn’t take her advice.

For one, full pineapples aren’t packaged in plastic that either gets burnt or heads to the landfill. With me, likely the prior but plastic is still toxic and nasty to burn so I’ve been trying to cut back on packaging. In contrast food scraps are just compost to feed the land or fine to burn in a hot fire. I no longer believe in the myth of industrial recycling.

But also a full pineapple offers a superior option for a lower cost. For one, a pineapple unopened need not be refrigerated and will not mold up quickly until openned. The high cost of pre cut pineapple is probably most due to large amount cut and landfilled at the grocery store. Moreover it’s much more fruity when fresh, and you can leave the core and skin on while cooking so it doesn’t fall apart while cooking – or even cook the full pineapple directly on the coals. It’s just a much more flexible option – and with a sharp knife cutting up a pineapple ain’t too difficult either.


Community college can make degrees more affordable. But transferring isn’t easy : NPR

With their open enrollment policies and low tuition, community colleges offer crucial access to higher education. They educate 41% of all U.S. undergraduates, according to the Community College Research Center. And when those students enroll, 83% plan to transfer to four-year schools, according to the Center for Community College Student Engagement.  But that transfer process can be fraught with challenges, including structural barriers that force students to spend time and money taking extra classes.

“Most students leave empty-handed,” said Huriya Jabbar, a professor of education policy at the University of Southern California. “There are bureaucratic hurdles. There are really opaque transfer policies. There's not enough information about … which courses will transfer.”