The Woods

Big Buddy Heater

About two years ago I bought a Big Buddy Heater. It makes winter camping much more enjoyable, especially with hot tent camping.

then and now

1954 to 2016 compared in the process for plywood boards.

Why I Sometimes Buy Plastic Bagged Wood

Simply because I can legally bring it across state lines and move it more then 50 miles across the state, and don't have to worry about getting ticketed. That said, I usually try to just find wood wherever I am in the woods.

Locked Up

"This buck was found by Luke Laha, who is a wildlife management teacher in Kansas. The buck found was carrying around the head of one of it’s rival bucks. Apparently the two bucks had become entangled and the coyotes decided to make a meal out of the loser, leaving it’s head attached to the living buck’s rack. It took a while before Luke Laha and his class were finally able to trap the buck and free him of his β€œtrophy”."