
Tossing in a line and hoping to snag a big one.

14-Inch Goldfish Found in Niagara River Near Buffalo; Group Warns Owners Not to Flush Pets | KTLA

14-Inch Goldfish Found in Niagara River Near Buffalo; Group Warns Owners Not to Flush Pets | KTLA

Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper is reminding you not to flush goldfish after a giant goldfish was found in the Niagara River. The group posted a photo of a 14-inch goldfish that was caught just downstream of the wastewater treatment plant. The Facebook post goes on to say that goldfish can survive year-round, and destroy the habitat of native fish. Scientists are estimating there are tens of millions of goldfish in the Great Lakes.

I have some questions about this -- why wasn't it screened out -- maybe an combined sewer overflow?