
Moving cattle to winter permit: Vlog #14

Mule Ranching Vlog #14: In this episode we move the remaining cattle off the ranch an onto the winter range.

Modern-day cowboys moving cattle on horseback on the open range. Good to watch while listening to some John Denver.

Tall in the saddle we spend Christmas Day
Driving the cattle over snow covered plains
All of the good gifts given today
Ours is the sky and the wide open range

Within a 10 Minute Walk to a Supermarket

Within a 10 Minute Walk to a Supermarket

If you don't own a car, there is only a few parts of Albany where you can walk a short distance to get to a supermarket.

Green areas are those within a 10 minute walk of a major supermarket -- Price Chopper, Hannaford, Tops, Shop-Rite, or Walmart.


Spotted this butt of a muskrat in the pond. I had a better view but he was dipping under the water as I took this photo

Taken on Sunday April 11, 2021 at Education.