
Albany County Water Purification District – South Plant

The Albany County Water Purification District owns and operates two wastewater treatment facilities, designated North and South, which provide secondary treatment to the wastewater of eight communities in Albany County. The North plant is located in the Village of Menands and designed to treat an average daily flow of 35 MGD. The South plant is located in the Port of Albany and was designed for 19MGD and is permitted for 29 MGD.

The North plant treats wastewater from the Cities of Cohoes, Watervliet and a portion of Albany as well as the Towns of Guilderland and Colonie and the Villages of Colonie, Green Island and Menands. The South plant treats wastewater from approximately 90% of City of Albany and the Port of Albany.


Colgate Lake to the Hudson River

Colgate Lake to the Hudson River

Colgate Lake takes the long route before dumping into the Atlantic Ocean by Manhattan. It takes the East Kill to the Schoharie Creek to the Mohawk River to the Hudson River.

Some days are more difficult

Some days are just more difficult than others. 😮 But you try to do your best, hold your head up when you are punched. Be the cow who chews her cud,🐮 patiently observing but taking no action. For today is a short one and tomorrow if you plan and work hard will be better.