
Bob’s Deline – 5 Myths about Power Outages

This is an interesting video about power outages, and why it's always important to report power outages to the electric company, even if you think your neighbors have reported the outage. It turns out that electric companies aren't mind readers and if there isn't an a major fault at the substation, they may very much not be aware of any problems.

Let’s just have a think…

On the 50th Anniversary of the first ever Earth Day, Jeff Gibbs and Michael Moore released a documentary film free on You Tube. The film is called Planet of the Humans, and it proved quite popular. This week we review the movie and consider its implications for climate activism.

Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs

Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day β€” that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road β€” selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late.

There is a lot of truth in this film - as much as people want to denounce it. Green energy isn't as green as it's proponents make it seem. Before you reject the film, I encourage you to catch the film in it's entirety and give it a lot of thought.

77 WABC-1965 Northeast Blackout-DAN INGRAM

Today marks 54 years since the Great 1965 Blackout. The power didn't go instantly, instead the frequency of the alternating current dropped as parts of the grid failed and remaining generators still online tried to crank out sufficient current to keep the lights running. As radio stations were using tape decks back then, as the frequency of the alternating current slowed, you can actually hear the tape recording of Jonathan King's "Everybody's Gone to the Moon" slow down. It was a perfect song to be playing on that night, because it was a full moon.