Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

It seems weird to be thinking about Memorial Day Weekend already, πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² but it's the weekend after the next one. But even if this weekend isn't perfect, I really am hopeful to get away just to spend some time in the wilderness and recharge my soul. 😎 Sunday still looks great, I am hopeful I can spend the balance of the day riding and exploring the countryside. 🚜

Download NYS Ground Level LIDAR Data using R

This code will download ground-level LIDAR digital elevation model, the best available, for any part of state when you supply it with a shapefle. It queries the rest server with the dem indexes, and then downloads the relevant files, and joins them into one image.


shape_to_download <- read_sf('/path/to/shapefile_of_area_to_download.shp')

lidar.url <- tibble()

for (i in seq(2,14)) {
  if (nrow(lidar.url) == 0)
    lidar.url <- get_layer_by_poly(str_c('',i),
                                            shape_to_download, sp_rel='intersects'

# download and merge all lidar titles that intersect
map(lidar.url$DIRECT_DL, \(x) {
  lidar.file <- tempfile(fileext = '.tif')
  download.file(x, destfile = lidar.file)  
  lidar <- rast(lidar.file)
}) %>% sprc %>% merge %>% writeRaster('output.tif')

Cazenovia, NY 1898 Topographic Map

Cazenovia, as a village hasn't changed that much since 1898, as seen by this topographic map, but notice the many railroads that crossed through this village and nearby, long now abandoned and forgotten about except where used by hikers as hiking trails.