Other States

Exploring various other places outside of New York State, including Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

Such a Tight Bridge

The geometry of the bridge over Roaring Brook on your way up to Kelley Stand in Green Mountain National Forest is so tight, one must almost come to a complete stop to make the turn, especially on a big, long truck like mine.

Lake Erie

Exploring Lake Erie from Presque Isle State Park.

Rim Rock

Taking a look off of Rim Rock in Allegheny National Forest.

Kelley Stand Road

After they spent millions rebuilding Kelley Stand Road after Hurricane Irene, including blasting it out of the mountain, it's still a narrow, tight, and steep road. I guess that's the charm of it, but gawd, that one turn onto the bridge across the Roaring Brook is awful tight for anything but a compact car.

Campsite Walk Around

Saturday morning, taking you for a little tour of my campsite at the Green Mountain National Forest.