New York State
NY 5 Westvale Stub
The east end of this expressway (right) is located in the Westvale neighborhood of the Town of Geddes. The expressway was planned to continue across West Genesee Street as a southwestern bypass of Syracuse, and would have connected with the junction of Interstates 81 and 481 in southern Syracuse. A spur from this beltway would have carried NY 5 into the downtown district. Today, the expressway stub shows a partially-built folded diamond interchange (with a loop in the northeast quadrant), where today NY 5 turns east onto West Genesee Street towards Solvay. The cleared right-of-way is largely intact along the highway's planned path through the Towns of Geddes and Onondaga, although new development can already be seen on the south side of Genesee Street.
Proposal 2 – Bethlehem
NY Senate District 46 (Albany County)
Berne Topography
Berne has a series of hills and valleys that drop off at the escarpment on the far east side of the town.
Bigfoot Prints in the Snow
Or maybe from snowshoes at Elm Ave Park.
Taken on Thursday December 30, 2010 at Delmar, New York.Building Style in Esperance