Hudson Valley

Tent on Higher Ground

No danger of getting wet from high tide here, although even the campsite was only 5-6 inches above the high tide of last night. Most of the campsites on this island are not particularly high above the high tide.

Taken on Sunday June 5, 2011 at Hudson River Islands State Park.

Tip of Gays’ Point

I have no idea what that wooden structure is at the end of the point, but the river is so shallow here, that especially at low tide, you'll bottom out your kayak. Gays' Point has about 20 campsites on it, all grouped together along the eastern side, that is deep enough for most power boats to more within 20 feet of the shore.

Taken on Saturday June 4, 2011 at Hudson River Islands State Park.

Stormwater Outfall Into the Hudson River

There are many outfalls into the the Hudson River. This one is likely for the storm drains in North Albany, but it sure smelled like raw sewage. There must be an overflow into here, or sewer lines are tapped untreated into the the Hudson River.

Taken on Saturday May 7, 2011 at Kayak the Hudson.