Fulton County
Sacanadaga Lake
Looking Across Piseco Lake from Echo Ledge
Good Luck Cliffs Sign
They probably should have put a spotlight on this sign to make a little more obvious at night.
Taken on Saturday April 24, 2010 at Good Luck Lake.Eight o’clock before the sun rose in the mountains
The sun angle is low and far to the south this time of year.
Taken on Sunday November 29, 2020 at Piseco-Powley Road.Big Red at Powley Place
Hey, for the trip to here from Albany and back, I averaged 19.3 miles per gallon, including spending 22 miles on dirt road, stopping to take pictures, and not taking expressways except for a short section of Thruway between Albany and Schenecady. I was very impressed with Big Red.
Taken on Saturday November 12, 2011 at Piseco-Powley Road.