Fulton County
In a Little Hidden Bay
Continuing Along
No Lillies Yet On Lilly Lake
I got to get back to Lilly Lake come later in the summer when more lilies and flowers are in bloom. It's always a beautiful paddle and a nice afternoon heading up there from Stewart Landing.
Taken on Saturday June 10, 2017 at Canada Lake.North from Powley Place Bridge
On Saturday and Sunday it was pretty cloudy for most of the rain, with showers on and off, but occasionally it would get quite purty out.
Taken on Saturday May 28, 2011 at Piseco-Powley Road.Big Beaver Dam Ahead
Crashing down over them was fun with the high water, but going over them without getting out the kayak -- especially the taller ones -- where a bit of a challenge.
Taken on Sunday May 29, 2011 at Piseco-Powley Road.