
June 21, 2015 evening

Good evening. It’s 77 degrees out, clear, and sticky with a dewpoint of 67 degrees. Possible thunderstorms tonight, but that’s to expected with the high humidity and sticky summer weather.

Tonight’s sunset was at 8:37 PM. Today, as the first day of summer, had the longest daylight. Long evening lovers should not fret. The days are going to grow shorter, however the loss of daylight at first primarily comes from the morning light. Sunsets will continue to be at around 8:37 PM through July 2nd — when we lose a minute in evening. Morning sunrises will start happening later starting on Tuesday, losing two minutes compared to the 5:17 AM sunrise today.

Tomorrow the warm and sticky weather continues, with high around 83 degrees. Lower chance of thunderstorms tomorrow, with a cool down expected for next weekend. Much of next weekend — if the forecast doesn’t change — will be in the upper 60s to low 70s. Unusually cool but I guess it beats the humidity of tonight.

June 8, 2015 morning

Good morning, Happy Monday. Currently 64 degrees and rain. Bands of rain are expected throughout the day.

I wish I could have gotten out of town, although I guess heading up to North-South Lake on Sunday sort of counts.

Next week looks good for Madison County if the weather cooperates. Looking forward to getting away. I’d prefer to go to the AdirondacksK but I need access to the cellphone next weekend for work.

June 7, 2015 evening

Good evening! It’s 68 degrees and partly cloudy here in Westerlo. Rain is expected by morning. It is expected to pick up heavier as the morning progresses. One forecast is calling for an inch of rain on Monday and a half inch on Tuesday, mostly coming from heavy rains during the thunderstorms.

Today was a fun day hiking, kayaking, and fishing at North-South Lake in the Catskills. Hiked up to Sunset Point, then paddled around North and South Lake, tossing out a fishing line a few times. It was nice to get away for a bit, despite not heading out camping this weekend. Next weekend, I plan to spend out in Madison County, assuming the weather cooperates.

I hope you had a good weekend. Sleep well, the sound of the rain on the roof should be soothing by morning …