Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster is a congregation deeply committed to building a community whose purpose is to serve Jesus Christ in the city. We see our location as a unique gift. We are situated a block away from the state capitol of New York.

We are located in a diverse and vibrant urban neighborhood. At a time of polarization in government, media and religion, and when public discourse is increasingly shrill and uncivil, Westminster attempts to be a wide tent under which diverse ideas are not only tolerated, but welcome.

Save the Pine Bush has their monthly dinner at the rented-out hall below the church. It is accessed by going to 85 Chesnut Street. There is off-street parking next to the church for church functions and the dinner.


Masked up

It was definitely a chilly afternoon as we held the press conference. 

Taken on Sunday November 22, 2020 at Save the Pine Bush.

A Tree Museum

I've been going through old news clippings of Save the Pine Bush and came across this. It's from the Schenectady Daily Gazette in 1989, and all these years later it still seems real timely. πŸ¦‹

Taken on Wednesday August 5, 2020 at Save the Pine Bush.