
Peter, Paul and Mary – Old Coat

"Silver spoons to some mouths, golden spoons to others,
Dare a man to change the given order.
Though they smile and tell us all of us are brothers,
never was it true this side of Jordan."

Margie Singleton – Ode to Billie Joe

Margie Singleton's version of Bobbie Gentrie's Ode to Billie Joe. This song got a lot of play on country music stations in the late 1960s but has all been forgotten in the past 50 years. The oldies stations still play Bobbie Gentry's version but I doubt many country stations still play Margie Singleton.

The irony of the song is that the Tallahatchie Bridge is not a good one to commit suicide on. It's only about 20 feet above the river that is fairly deep and muddy, and plenty of people have jumped off it and walked away without a scratch.

Bobbie Gentry intended for the song to be more ironic then about suicide. Bobbie Gentry's goal with the song called out the callousness of society as the Vietnam War was escalating, with the family noting the suicide in with more mundane business of life.