Mountain Pond

Mountain Pond is a small, narrow lake, located along Old Route 30, just 2 miles north of Paul Smiths. Offers 6-roadside camping spots, along with a secluded, lesser used pond, near Barnum Pond and Osgood Pond.

Many Downed Trees

There where many downed trees that had fallen into the lake, from the often steep eastern edge of mountain pond. Campsites are on the other side of the lake, and they all where in good shape.

Taken on Saturday August 14, 2010 at Mountain Pond.


This is the Mountain at Mountain Pond. It's not much more then a hill, because Jenkins Mountain has largely petered out before reaching here, but it's still a lot higher then surrounding elevation.

Taken on Saturday August 14, 2010 at Mountain Pond.

Campsite No 4

This was taken from the lake. It was great to be right on the lake, at this very remote Adirondack Pond.

Taken on Saturday August 14, 2010 at Mountain Pond.

Trash Box

Some previous camper left this box full of garbage -- bottles, beer cans, plastic, paper, etc. What's a boy to do? Burn it of course! I thought about picking out the beer cans first, so I could redeem them, but it grossed me out. So what I did, is stack some charred wood from previous campers, some of my own firewood, poured 1/4 gallon of gasoline on it, and tossed a match in. Once the garbage was incinerated, I carefully picked out the aluminum cans, bottles, and other unburnables, and tossed them in my bucket to bring home for recycling.

Taken on Saturday August 14, 2010 at Mountain Pond.

Tossing a Match In

Boom! Actually, it didn't really explode that much, as the gasoline kind of soaked into the trash, although a ran like a little girl, after dropping a match into the fire.

Taken on Saturday August 14, 2010 at Mountain Pond.