Devil’s Path
To Twin Montain
To Sugar Loaf
Beaver Swamp
This is the one of the headwaters that feeds the Upper Branch of the Schoharie Creek. You could say this where it "all starts" for the Schoharie Creek.
Taken on Sunday July 12, 2009 at Twin Mountain.Chairs
Slippery Descent
It was a slippery desecent off of Hunter Mountain, when the trail when far enough south to be blocked out of sunlight, and ice made it tricky descending the trail.
Taken on Sunday April 12, 2009 at Hunter Mountain.Southern Overlook
There is a Southernly view from an Overlook about 1/2 miles south-west of the Fire tower just off the blue trail. The views from here are almost nicer then the fire tower, and remind you have undeveloped the Catskills really are.
Taken on Sunday April 12, 2009 at Hunter Mountain.