Big dairy farms, with state-of-the-art milking parlors, robots and other technologies are kind of neat, but when it comes down it, dairy farming is pretty much dairy farming, it's still cows, it's still cleaning and hooking milking machines up their teats, feeding them, hauling manure, cleaning bedding pack, etc. I am actually a bit surprised which such a big operation they don't use more milking robots.
I don't think I've ever seen a dairy cow from a drone. The profiles of dairy cows from above, show that they're all business, not a lot of fat or muscle on dairy breeds.
I had never seen a PTO-powered gen-set before. Obviously, it's a piece of equipment that makes a lot of sense for a dairy to have, as they already have big powerful tractors with PTOs to spin a gen-set -- and lost of grid power could lead to spoilage of a lot of expensive milk and a lot of hand-milking. Mike Price does a nice job explaining how the PTO-powered generators work, and the backup switch they use to switch the load over on the farm.