Dairy Farming
Elsie Isn’t Going to Market Yet – Growing America
There is no word yet on delaying any payments to dairy farms that supply Borden, however, there is sure to be worry among them after these filings. A home for your milk is a dairy farmer’s biggest concern. Without a secure one it is extremely difficult to make any decisions. This news is just one more blow to struggling to dairy farmers that cannot seem to gain any ground.
Swedish Homestead – Modern Farm With Ancient Breed
The Swedish Homestead channel has some of the most interesting farm tours of unusual and interesting farm operations across the world.
It’s a Snow Day for Cows
John Deere 8320 collides into a tree
It looks like Hourigan's Dairy had a very bad, icy day damaging some very expensive farm equipment.
Virtual reality could help cows produce better milk
Farmers in Moscow may have found an unexpected way to boost milk production.
The farmers have strapped modified virtual reality headsets to the cows. The headsets have been adapted for structural features to ensure they fit properly on the cows.
Milking Cows in Brand New Parlour!
Big dairy farms, with state-of-the-art milking parlors, robots and other technologies are kind of neat, but when it comes down it, dairy farming is pretty much dairy farming, it's still cows, it's still cleaning and hooking milking machines up their teats, feeding them, hauling manure, cleaning bedding pack, etc. I am actually a bit surprised which such a big operation they don't use more milking robots.