Dairy Farming

Articles and news about dairy farming and milk production, a leading industry in rural Upstate New York.

Learn To Score Body Conditioning (BCS) For Dairy Cows

One of my pass time activities I do usually when waiting on something is to look at show cattle on Facebook and try to score them in my head. There are some real super cattle out there thanks to modern genetics. 

How yogurt took over the dairy aisle – Vox

Chobani, Skyr, Dannon: How yogurt took over the dairy aisle – Vox

Once a small dairy aisle presence, yogurt now commands its own grocery section. Numerous plain and creatively flavored options cater to diverse preferences. Despite this, Americans predominantly associate yogurt with fruity and granola combinations. Over the decades, yogurt's popularity transformed, aligning with dietary trends: from sugary '80s and '90s options, to protein-rich Greek yogurt of the early 2000s, artisanal varieties in the 2010s, and the rise of nondairy alternatives. Now, yogurt makers are embracing high-fat options, reflecting a shifting focus on good fats. The yogurt aisle's expansion continues, driven by changing tastes and health trends.