Country Life
Our Resilient Backyard Grocery Store
At least hometeaders aren't running out of canned, frozen and recently harveted food in New Hamsphire.
Our Wyoming Life – Calving and Technology on the Ranch
This week we continue calving on the ranch and take a look at some of the technology we use to help calves be born safely and healthy. Including thermal imaging from FLIR and the MooCall calving sensor. Combining old school and new school calving on Our Wyoming Life.
Bloomberg – You Don’t Have a Clue
1974 vs 2017 Ford F-250
iowadairyboys 2019 Rewind Video!
The hills are a bit smaller compared to much of Upstate New York, but Iowa farm country isn't all that unfamiliar to one whose been around New York.
See how a manure lagoon works and why farmers want to build even more of them
"If you buy a house on the 9 million acres of agricultural districts in New York state, you sign a disclosure form that says the farmers near you have the "right to farm" even when it causes noise, dust and odors."