
South Bethlehem and Copeland Hill

Driving through the rural landscape South Bethlehem on Cedar Grove Road, and then heading over Copeland Hill on Copeland Hill Road. Rural, scenic landscape, but a bit gray this afternoon.

Alcove Reservior on NY 143

Driving past the Alcove Reservoir last weekend on NY 143. For some reason when I compress Youtube videos, I end up with a lot of artifacts on the trees that I'm trying to get out of future videos.

Coeymans Hollow

Driving through Coeymans Hollow on NY 143, crossing the Hanancroix Creek a few times, as the evening shadows creep in about a week and half ago.

Hannacroix Falls

Looking down over Hannacroix Falls at Hannacroix Preserve on a icy, snowy wintery day.