
What Ever Happened to New Blog Version?

In late April, I mentioned I was working on a new version of my blog that would use PostGIS, and later changed my mind to using MySQL GIS Extension. A big part of the blog would be to mix content types together by geographical location – so that pictures, maps, content and stories about a particular piece of land would be grouped together, rather then spread out on increasingly disordered different parts of the blog.

The project never was abandoned but it kind of got put into recess when the summer and camping season got underway. I certainly did not want to s tragedy inside, screwing around code, and doing a lot of testing to implement which is a total re-write of the blog code, connected with a vastly different MySQL database then the existing code.

I have pretty much completed out my vision of what the new blog will look like, and the PHP code I wrote to convert over the data is done. I don’t expect to create any new features for it that are not already envisioned, but at the same time, not all the needed code is written.

Once the snows come and it’s cold out, I will spend more time working on the new blog code, safely tucked away in a seperate folder on my laptop’s webserver, and backed up on the secondary hard drive. While the new blog may be 6-8 months behind schedule, I will happy to get away from the somewhat broken and certainly outdated code that currently props up the existing blog – some of which dates back 2005 or earlier, when things were a lot different/

In the mean time, I am working on more new daily content, and make sure any day I don’t have anything new or interesting to post the blog, that we will at least have re-runs of some of the interesting content of days past. I am also going to look for new and interesting content using GIS data to produce Google Maps and other things of interest.

After 12 Years Have I Abandoned My Blog?

Recently, I have been posting a whole lot less to my blog. Fewer essays, and I even broke the pratice of posting new content and/or reruns in recent weeks. I keep posting new photos as I go on trips, but I have been doing fewer and few maps. And due to issues with the blog software, some maps just keep disappearing.

I have been doing more reading, less writing. Twitter has filled in the gap, because most of the things I have to say, are best said conservations are really quite short. Often it’s best to just leave things up to the experts, and point to their words more, and mine less.

Grape Farm Along Canal

I continue to work on the next version of the blog software. I swore it would be ready in May or June, yet I still don’t have a functional version. It’s my fault, because the weather has been so nice, I’ve not really wanted to spend much time blogging or writing code. It will probably have to wait for winter now.

But also, I’ve just run out of good ideas for blog posts. I am tired of making up stuff, and the reality is some of my best ideas and posts have already been written, so why rewrite? I also don’t want to duplicate posts that are already done. Why waste my time or internet bandwidth, repeating what is already done.

At any rate, the blog is kind of in low-gear for now. Better stuff will come eventually though, or so I hope. I really hope to have things really back up to speed by Winter 2013.

Why I Like Working on the Blog

Notes on the Re-Run for Saturday, May 19th.

— Andy

Occasionally people as I why I blog.

I have a story to tell and a life to share.
I want people to read and experience a little piece of my world.
I have a desire to express.
I want to be an individual.

It’s not because I want to impress anyone.
It’s not for a girl friend, a boy friend, my boss or anyone else.

Route 357 Dannemora

I just want to develop a sense of identity.
Some kind of meaning.
Reflect upon my own priorities in life.

I want to figure out right and wrong.
I want to be able to look back and see what I’ve done wrong
and right.