Albany Pine Bush
It kept away the crowds, leading to a quiet walk.
Taken on Thursday April 30, 2020 at Albany Pine Bush.Raining
As I continued along the trail, it started to rain pretty hard.
Taken on Thursday April 30, 2020 at Albany Pine Bush.South-East from Overlook Dune
Faintly the Catskills are in the distance. In addition, it looks like the Pine Bush Commission has done some mechanical removal of brush to help lupine grow and not become too dense for the Karner Blue.
Taken on Saturday April 30, 2011 at Albany Pine Bush.Cloudy Afternoon
It might have been a cloudy afternoon but at times there was nice breaks of sun.
Taken on Saturday April 11, 2020 at Albany Pine Bush.Looking Up Blueberry Hill
So far things haven't greened up that much yet.
Taken on Saturday April 30, 2011 at Albany Pine Bush.