A bike ride to work foiled by a loose Allen bolt πŸ”© 🚲

My bike rack got a loose Allen bolt which foiled my morning commute a half mile from home. Fortunately nothing was seriously damaged despite some loud grinding noises. I found the bolt on the road, bungeed it back together and rode home. I don’t always carry Allen wrenches but I do keep a bungee both to secure loads and in case something breaks. Took the local bus to work was still in the office by nine, tightened the bolts this evening and I’m back in business. I should get some loctite and check the torque regularly as this seems to be an issue every four or so months, especially after riding trail.

Still would have been such a great day to ride to work though I actually had quite a bit of stuff to bring home as today was my last day working downtown. But I’m ready to move forward on the next step in my career come Tuesday up in North Albany. I plan to continue to bike whenever possible to work though I concede next week will likely be difficult due to the cold, plus I want a bit more light at 5 pm before hitting Broadway or Water Street at rush hour to catch the 519 home.