NYS Urban Population Density
This map shows the population density of every census tract in New York. Due to limit color choices, you can see that most of the state is very blue and unpopulated compared to some census tracts in New York City. For example, Census Tract 9702, Delaware County, New York (Meridith) has 24 residents per sq mile while Census Tract 138, New York County, New York (Upper East Side) has 187,211 residents per sq mile.
Race and Ethnicity of New York
Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies – The New York Times
Rutland Land Use
Rutland is Vermont's second largest city with a population of 14,845. Nestled in the mountains, much of the land around it is forested but in the valley north and south of the city, the there are acres farmed both for forage and crop production.