I’ve come to the conclusion that meat should be more of a treat – something for a Sunday dinner and occasional picnic, a holiday celebration rather than something you eat every day. While consuming sufficient complete protein is essential for healthy living, meat, especially red meat has a whole slew of negative health consequences from high levels of saturated fats, to the increased risk of debilitating and ultimately fatal disease like diabetes and cancer.
The thing is there are many less expensive, easier to store and prepare complete protein sources out there – namely any whole grain and legume or bean paired together. Cooking such meals on down is quite easy, you just toss in a pot, and let them simmer on the stove.
I don’t make an environmental or animal rights argument for eating less meat as I think animal agriculture is part of a healthy, sustainable landscape. But I do see from a health and budget perspective eating meat only occasionally – and enjoying it when you do – is key to living the good life.