Imperial Mills Dam and Ruger Woods

Now state forest, I used to enjoy wandering back on the trails and fishing 🎣 the Saranac River behind the dam back when I was a student at Plattsburgh State.

Social Conservatism in U.S. Highest in About a Decade

Social Conservatism in U.S. Highest in About a Decade

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- More Americans this year (38%) say they are very conservative or conservative on social issues than said so in 2022 (33%) and 2021 (30%). At the same time, the percentage saying their social views are very liberal or liberal has dipped to 29% from 34% in each of the past two years, while the portion identifying as moderate (31%) remains near a third.

The last time this many Americans said they were socially conservative was 2012, during a period when consistently more U.S. adults identified as conservative rather than liberal on social issues.

A look at how the smoke is impacting crops in New York

A look at how the smoke is impacting crops in New York

With New York experiencing high levels of poor air quality this week, coupled with dry weather, one local farmer said the hazy conditions could cause problems for her early crops.

Kara Atwood, a farmer at Kubecka Farms in Kirkville, said the smoke is exacerbating the drought they are already facing.

“It is reducing plant growth from a slow crawl to a complete standstill,” she said. “This is almost like a one-two punch to early crops.”

Atwood said with the harshness of the dry soil, recent high temperatures, and now the reduction in photosynthesis due to chlorophyll damage and impeded movement of carbon dioxide from the smoke, their early yield harvest will be much less than they hoped.

“We are uncertain as to what other effects this might have moving further into the growing season, but the likelihood of further issues continues to increase the longer this smoke is here,” Atwood said.