Good Morning – January 5, 2022

Good morning! Happy National Bird Day 🐧 !

Birds the word. That said this winter has been mild enough that bird feeders aren’t as effective as some years.

It’s cloudy and 31 degrees in Bethlehem, NY. ☁ There is a south breeze at 14 mph. πŸƒ with gusts up to 24 mph πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨. The current wind chill is 18. Things will start to thaw out at around 9 am. 🌑️

State of the State Day today in Albany. 🏣 I’m sure the traffic and the protestors will be back although I’m taking the local bus so I’ll probably miss most of that today. I won’t get my steps in so I’ll probably have to walk 🚢 after work. I certainly won’t be walking the plaza with all those anti-vaccine protestors out there, probably half of which currently have the COVID.

Kind of a cold and windy morning in the early hours ⏰ but it’s warming up quickly. I turned the heat down before leaving for work. That heated blanket certainly keeps me warm at night – I usually keep it at the lowest setting if not turned off after a little while.

Been thinking about some machine learning projects I could do. πŸ€– I’ve been reading a lot about how to use machine learning in R, which I previously learned about in Python. But so far I’ve come up short on projects that would be good for machine learning. But I’m sure there is many projects I can use for it.

Most of the openly unvaccinated people I know at this point have gotten COVID-19 and it sure doesn’t seem like fun

Most of the openly unvaccinated people I know at this point have gotten COVID-19 and it sure doesn’t seem like fun. Some have gone to the hospital but I those who haven’t have had high fevers and felt like shit for days.

I don’t celebrate vaccination mandates and I don’t think they are a good thing but I think people should seriously consider the benefits of vaccination on their own, especially because it’s relatively inexpensive and easy to get at this point. If people want to harm themselves and feel like shit for many days, then all the more power to them.