It bothers me to see that so many rural folk are now dying of COVID-19 when there is a vaccine that can prevent so much death and misery

It bothers me to see that so many rural folk are now dying of COVID-19 when there is a vaccine that can prevent so much death and misery

It’s just stupid on how political things have gotten with the vaccine – it’s a stupid shot or maybe two shots that hurt a bit but are quickly administered and then you can put them behind you. It’s free and bares no cost on your life or well except maybe for feeling a bit under the weather for one afternoon after your second shot.

Getting the COVID vaccine doesn’t change anything in your body except for priming your body in case of exposure to the real virus. The vaccine is just a few strands of RNA that are quickly broken down. It doesn’t make you pledge allegiance to Joe Biden. Your free to get vaccinated and vote for anyone you want.

Now, I would object to the vaccine if it did mean that you had to give up your rights and liberties. I don’t like vaccination mandates, and I don’t think that they are that productive at slowing the spread of the virus. That said, getting vaccinated doesn’t mean that you have to give up your guns or property rights or comply with any more restrictions on your homestead. A vaccine is recieved, it kicks in the gut like a night of hard drinking and then you get on with life.

There is some in our country who believe that it’s a moral imparative to force anybody who will not comply with the voluntary vaccination to force them to get vaccinated or marginalize them to the fringes of society. But I think that repugnant. If people really want to get sick or die, and are foolish enough to not get vaccinated then so be it. Maybe unvaccinated individuals should pay an insurance surcharge but don’t marginalize them. The evidence isn’t nearly as strong as some want to believe that unvaccinated individuals pose much harm to others besides themselves.