Here is some code I wrote for creating Census graphics from the American Community Survey data. It could be generalized, but it works for now.
import pandas as pd
path = '/media/hd2/census/acs-summary-file/'
# much faster to load the one ny state sheet as csv
geo = pd.read_csv(path+'5_year_Mini_Geo_NY.csv', index_col='Logical Record Number')
# useful fields for querying
geo['summary_level']=geo['Geography ID'].str[0:3]
geo['state_id']=geo['Geography ID'].str[7:9]
geo['county_id']=geo['Geography ID'].str[9:12]
geo['county_sub']=geo['Geography ID'].str[12:18]
geo['geoid']=geo['Geography ID'].str[7:18]
# load headers
header = pd.read_excel(path+'ACS_5yr_Seq_Table_Number_Lookup.xlsx')
# create a column with census variable headers
header['COL_NAME'] = header['Table ID'] + '_' + header['Line Number'].apply(lambda a: "{0:.0f}".format(a).zfill(3))
# segment id, along with ACS year and state
segId = 33
year = 2019
state = 'ny'
# create a list of headers for segment file
+ header.query('`Sequence Number` == '+str(segId)).dropna(subset=['Line Number'])['COL_NAME'].to_list()
seg = pd.read_csv(path+'e'+str(year)+'5'+state+(str(segId).zfill(4))+'000.txt'+geolevel+'.zip',header=None, names=segHead, index_col=5)
seg = geo.join(seg)
# make the pretty graphs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import date
plt.rcParams[''] = 'Nimbus Sans' #'Overpass Mono'
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]
colors = plt.get_cmap('plasma', 11).colors
for county_fips in counties_fips:
if not county_fips: continue
print('County FIPS: '+county_fips)
towns=seg[((seg['county_id'] == county_fips) & (seg['summary_level'] == '060'))].sort_values(by='Geography Name', ascending=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# clean up these variables
for var in ['B09005_001','B09005_002','B09005_003','B09005_004','B09005_005']:
towns=towns.dropna(axis=0, subset=[var])
# iterate through each line so we can see if big enough to add label
for i, key in enumerate(towns.index):
# suppress towns with few lines
town = towns.loc[key]
if town['B09005_001'] < 5: continue
# plot bars
left = 0
# choose colors that reinforce gender stereotypes
for var, label, color in zip(['B09005_002','B09005_003','B09005_004','B09005_005'],
per = (town[var]/town['B09005_001'])*100
if i != 0:
p1=ax.barh(town['Geography Name'].split(',')[0], per,
color=color, left=left)
p1=ax.barh(town['Geography Name'].split(',')[0], per,
color=color, label=label, left=left)
# label bars above 10%
if per > 10:
ax.bar_label(p1, label_type='center',weight=1000, size=14, backgroundcolor='#ffffff66', fmt='%.1f%%')
left += per
county = towns.iloc[0]['Geography Name'].split(', ')[1]
plt.figtext(.5, 1.08, county+' Household Type for Families with Children', horizontalalignment='center',
fontsize=22, fontweight=1000)
plt.figtext(.5, 1.03, 'While the traditional married couple is the most common way '+\
'of raising children across the state,\n single mothers are more common especially in the cities. Single men households remain relatively rate.',
fontsize=12, fontstyle='italic', fontweight=100)
plt.figtext(1, -0.01, '2019 5-yr American Community Survey, Table No. B09005, Seq. 33', wrap=True, horizontalalignment='right', fontstyle='italic', fontsize=14, color='#00000088')
plt.figtext(0, -0.01, 'Andy Arthur, ''%m/%-d/%y'), wrap=True, horizontalalignment='left', fontstyle='italic', fontsize=14, color='#00000088')
#ax.xaxis.set_ticks([0, 50, 100])
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1, 1., .102), loc='lower center',
ncol=4, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., edgecolor='white')