Trump Pressures Pence to Reject Electoral Votes – The New York Times

Trump Pressures Pence to Reject Electoral Votes – The New York Times

The job has occasionally been unpleasant for vice presidents. In 1961, the state of Hawaii sent two slates of electors and the vice president, Richard M. Nixon, who had just lost the election to John . Kennedy, moved to count the emocratic electors, which expanded his own margin of defeat. orty years later, Al Gore was in a similar spot, burdened with overruling objections from his fellow emocrats and declaring the victory of George W. Bush — and his own defeat — after a drawn-out lorida recount that was ended by the Supreme Court. And in 2017, Mr. Biden, then the vice president, had to reject a emocratic challenge to Mr. Trump’s victory.

No, Pence can’t overturn the election results

Fact check: No, Pence can’t overturn the election results

Pence, in his role as president of the Senate, is scheduled to preside over Congress' certification of the results Wednesday, as detailed by the 12th Amendment. But he can't intervene in the process.

The law governing the certification process, the Electoral Count Act of 1887, specifically limits the power of the president of the Senate precisely because a president of the Senate had intervened in the count previously. In 1857, after James Buchanan's win, the Senate president overruled an objection against Wisconsin electors who had been delayed in their certification process by a snowstorm in 1856.

Asshole of the year

Reading that Tweet about the president blaming Mike Pence for certifying the election results, as required by law, probably wins Donald Trump the award of asshole of the year. Whatever you think of the Vice President, he has the job of firing his own self, as that’s what law and custom requires.

Snowy start to the winter

According to the National Weather Service in Albany…

The Albany International Airport has had 32.0″ of snow this season (beginning July 1st 2020 technically). We are 13.0″ above normal to date. The seasonal normal is 60.3″ (based on 1981-2010 normal period).