Caricatures from Der Stuermer

Caricatures from Der Stuermer

I am always fascinated by political cartoons and propaganda materials, as they often shape for good and bad how we look at the world and the people around us. Hatred is a terrible thing but it seems so common in politics today that are driven by the widely varying culture across our country. But before you condemn an out group, you should try to look at the world through their perspective and understand their concerns. 


In A Warming Greenland, A Farming Family Adapts To Drought β€” And New Opportunities : NPR

The Nielsen family has owned and run Kangerluarsorujuk since 1972. The farm sits on a plateau at one end of a fjord. The barns for the sheep and two small, sturdy houses for the Nielsens are built to withstand Greenland's winter cold. Sign Up For The NPR Daily Newsletter

Kanuk has spent his entire life on this sheep farm. He says the summers are longer now than when he was a child — lasting from May to October — and drought has become a problem.

Bromism – Wikipedia

Bromism – Wikipedia

High levels of bromide chronically impair the membrane of neurons, which progressively impairs neuronal transmission, leading to toxicity, known as bromism. Bromide has an elimination half-life of 9 to 12 days, which can lead to excessive accumulation. Doses of 0.5 to 1 gram per day of bromide can lead to bromism. Historically, the therapeutic dose of bromide is about 3 to 5 grams of bromide, thus explaining why chronic toxicity (bromism) was once so common. While significant and sometimes serious disturbances occur to neurologic, psychiatric, dermatological, and gastrointestinal functions, death is rare from bromism.

Bromism is caused by a neurotoxic effect on the brain which results in somnolence, psychosis, seizures and delirium. Bromism has also been caused by excessive soda consumption, due to the presence of brominated vegetable oil, leading to headache, fatigue, ataxia, memory loss, and eventually inability to walk in one case.