EPA rejects ban on poison bombs against cattle predators – ABC News

EPA rejects ban on poison bombs against cattle predators – ABC News

The agency's assistant administrator, Alexandra Dunn, said in a statement that the EPA had worked with the Agriculture Department “to ensure there are safe and effective tools for farmers and ranchers to protect livestock.”

I think concerns are overblown. Potassium cyanide has a short half-life when it's exposed to oxygen. It's unlikely to be passed from one animal to another. It's been used for nearly a century in one form or another, with a good safety record.

It's a good tool for predator management and healthy ecosystems when foothold traps are not a practical alternative in very remote country, where it's not practical to check a trap line every 24-48 hours. Where used, potassium cyanide trap-lines are checked at least once a week. Dogs and other domestic pets should not be allowed to run off-leash. They do enormous damage to ecosystems.

How to combat people’s racial bias, according to the research – Vox

How to combat people’s racial bias, according to the research – Vox

In 2016, researchers stumbled on a radical tactic for reducing another person’s bigotry: a frank, brief conversation.

The study, authored by David Broockman at Stanford University and Joshua Kalla at the University of California Berkeley, looked at how simple conversations can help combat anti-transgender attitudes. In the research, people canvassed the homes of more than 500 voters in South Florida. The canvassers, who could be trans or not, asked the voters to simply put themselves in the shoes of trans people — to understand their problems — through a 10-minute, nonconfrontational conversation. The hope was that the brief discussion could lead people to reevaluate their biases.