November 10, 2019 afternoon

I have to say it’s been a rather gray and cold afternoon. ☁ It’s about 40 degrees locally. It would have not been a good day for camping – still looks like they are getting some snow or rain in Brookfield Ina few hours and it will be all snow by morning. I would have had to come back this afternoon to avoid the bad roads tomorrow.

Feeling a fair bit better this afternoon but I decided not to go for a walk somewhere as it’s pretty gray and to put off shopping until tomorrow when the crowds will be less. 🚲 I am currently getting some excerise in on the bike now.

Soon I’m heading out to my parents house for Sunday dinner 🍲. They’re making chilli and that should be good on a cold gray day like today.

YouTube is a great way to learn

YouTube is a great way to learn…

Untitled [Expires July 12 2024]

It really should be said that YouTube is a great way to learn about far away places and cultures all while riding the exercise bike.

From beaver trapping to dairy farming to off grid homes and rural life and culture, the videos you can download from that site really have it all. Some are pure entertainment – while others are learning. From HVAC technology to electronics to electricity there are many how to videos. From people birthing hogs to cutting deer there is much to watch and learn. I might live in the city but I’ve learned a lot over the past year from my exercise bike and YouTube videos I’ve downloaded at the public library.

Would I Considering Buying an Electric Car.

Would I consider buying a hybrid or electric car …

Maybe and probably not, at least for now.

Riding down to New York City I was quite impressed by one of my colleague’s hybrid Toyota Camry — it was a big car, but very fuel efficient and quite comfortable. I am sure driving something like a hybrid would save a lot of money on my road trips, with much lower fuel bills and probably lower cost of maintenance. The lower costs could mean more and more distant road trips — although there are practical limits on how far one could travel in a day. The truth is 95% of the roads I drive on could easily handle a low-bottomed car like that, although I’d have to be careful getting in and out of campsites and driving on certain roads, especially in the shoulder season with mud and ice.

Electric cars are good for commuting, but I prefer to take the bus around town. Rather then buy an electric car, why not just not have a car at all? Having an electric car would still mean many weekends of renting a second car for the longer trips. There is a bigger and bigger network of electric car charging stations around the state, and while electric cars make sense for the commuter, they still make a lot less sense for the tourist due to the relatively long charging time.