From Start to Present, Plus Future Plans

"In this video I take you on a detailed walk through of my off grid cabin at Off Grid Acres. I got so many questions from the first walk through video that I wanted to show you where we are now and talk a little bit about what our future plans are from here."

Visiting the Transfer Station

Even though I try to avoid making much trash, kids I recycle my bottles and cans like a good little boy. Plus glass and metal doesn't burn, and I don't like burning too much plastic when I'm up in the woods. I can recycle paper and carboard locally too, so I do that at the recycling dumpsters at the Elm Avenue Park and Ride.

NB88 – Spring time at the cabin

"It's spring time at the cabin. We got hit with four nor'easters late in the winter which delayed spring by several weeks. Ice and snow are starting to melt and it's time to clean out the drainage and get some firewood cut."

Dave Dudley – Last Day In The Mines – YouTube

This is kind of music I expect would have at one time been standard fare on the radio for a round trip across the country, something you could easily have heard once an hour by flipping through radio station.