Essex County opposes state effort to declare railway abandoned – Sun Community News & Printing

Essex County opposes state effort to declare railway abandoned – Sun Community News & Printing

It's funny how the tables have turned on President Franklin Roosevelt's illegal railroad through the Forest Preserve. The state, which was excited five years ago to keep these tracks laid illegally under the War Powers Act open, now supports removing the illegal tracks through the Forest Preserve.

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This is along the Erie Canalway Trail a little ways from Little Falls. It was used to load stone and gravel mined from the mountains to be hauled away on train cars.

Taken on Saturday August 25, 2018 at Westerlo.

August 28, 2018 Morning

Good morning! Happy Tuesday. Four weeks to More Night then Day 🌌. Partly cloudy and 75 degrees in Delmar. β›… There is a south-southwest breeze at 6 mph. 🍃. The dew point is 71 degrees. It’s already one of those mornings that I just wanted to sit home by the fan. But at least the bus and the office are air conditioned. The muggy weather ends Thursday around 9 pm. 😓

I didn’t get a really early start with the heat and humidity, so I’m taking the local bus to work. I thought I slept well but this morning I feel tired. 💤I think it’s the heat and humidity. Next week is September so while I think it will be a warm one, it’s not going to be so swampy out.

Today will be mostly sunny and hot 😎, with a high of 93 degrees at 3pm. 15 degrees above normal. Maximum dew point of 74 at 11am. Heat index values as high as 102. West wind 6 to 11 mph. A year ago, we had mostly cloudy skies. The high last year was 75 degrees. The record high of 98 was set in 1948.

The sun will set at 7:35 pm with dusk around 8:04 pm, which is one minute and 40 seconds earlier than yesterday. 🌇 At sunset, look for mostly clear skies and 88 degrees. The dew point will be 71 degrees. The heat index around sunset will be 84. β›± There will be a west-southwest breeze at 10 mph. That breeze will help make the heat somewhat bearable. Today will have 13 hours and 18 minutes of daytime, an decrease of 2 minutes and 44 seconds over yesterday.

Tonight I’m heading over to John Wolcott’s house for the final recording about the Pine Bush history 🌲at least for now. I soon will be out of town for work. I also need to go grocery shopping on my way home as I’m low on many things.

Tonight will be mostly clear 🌌, with a low of 73 degrees at 4am. 15 degrees above normal. Maximum dew point of 72 at 6pm. Southwest wind 7 to 9 mph. In 2017, we had cloudy skies. It got down to 54 degrees. The record low of 34 occurred back in 1982.

On this day in 1968, where the riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention.🚔 And we all know what Mayor Daley yelled at Abe Ribcoff. Back in the age before Twitter and Trump.

I plan to finish my absentee ballot 📬and get it mailed in. I think I will vote for Nixon – Williams – Teachout. 📝I think we need a change in our state and I’m willing to keep an open mind when it comes to the general. I may very well vote for Marc Molinaro come November as I think he’d be good for our second amendment rights. 🔫

Looking ahead, there are 4 weeks until More Night then Day 🌌 when the sun will be setting at 6:46 pm with dusk at 7:14 pm. On that day in 2017, we had shallow fog, patches of fog, mostly sunny skies and temperatures between 91 and 64 degrees. Typically, the high temperature is 68 degrees. We hit a record high of 91 back in 2017.