Places I’ve Been Since April

This interactive map shows some of the trips I've made in the past two months, based on my trip logger. Unfortunately, where I have my trip monitor mounted in my truck is prone to get a weak signals, so many trips were not recorded. I am thinking of mounting it in the truck cap, however to do that I am going to have to the tweak the code, because I don't want it logging constantly when I'm parked, as the power in the truck cap is not switched on or off based on whether or not the truck is moving.

June 2, 2018 9:20 am Update

After spending too many hours with a soldering iron and a ohm meter I figured out why this dang display was having logic errors… Too fast of a data transfer speed. I think the capacitance of the long wires running to the sign was causing it to read high when it shouldn’t have been pulled high. Changed one variable in the code to reduce transfer speed and it works fine (and reducing the data transfer speed had no impact on the display speed).