May 18, 2016 Morning

Sunshine came softly through my window today. Take it Sunshine Superman. 54 degrees and cloudy partly cloudy this morning. 67 degrees and partly cloudy this afternoon. Almost seasonable weather for the third week of April.

The Altamont Fair opens in 90 days. Summer will come and go before you know it. That is depressing.

Today in 1896, the United States Supreme Court rules inΒ Plessy v. FergusonΒ that the “separate but equal” doctrine is constitutional. That still rules the day with city school districts allowed to segregate “colored and poor” students from the suburban school district. They really should allow students to be bussed to any school within a 30 or so mile radius.

Today In 1980,Β Mount St. HelensΒ eruptsΒ in Washington, United States, killing 57 people and causing $3Β billion in damage. Nature can be a bitch.

Now the weather doesn’t look as great on some of the models, with clouds expected to prevail on Saturday in some models. We’ll have to watch that carefully. I still would like to get up to the Adirondacks.

The moon will be about 80% illuminated tonight, with the full flower moon on Saturday evening. 60 degrees and partly cloudy at dusk.Β Neil Gifford will be at the Save the Pine Bush Dinner tonight at the Westminster Presbyterian Church on Chesnut Street.

May 17, 2016 Night

53 degrees and clearing out to the west with stars shinning down. The moon is almost due south and about 80% full as we head to the full flower moon on Saturday. 43 degrees for the low tonight.

Dawn tomorrow is at 4:55 AM with sunrise at 5:28 AM. By afternoon look forward to partly to mostly sunny skies and 69 degrees. Going to be a nice spring afternoon. Save the Pine Bush Dinner is tomorrow evening. Should be a good one.

Sleep well. Good night.

May 17, 2016 Evening

Good evening. Currently mostly overcast this evening with some sun peaking out from the west as the weather clears out for the nicer weather expected Wednesday. Around 59 degrees currently. Tomorrow’s high is expected to be around 69 degrees, which is pretty close to normal for this time of year. Sunset tonight was around 8:13 PM with dusk around 8:46.

Tuesday really wasn’t that bad of a day. I got my practice today for the big November Election Day which is 25 weeks away now. Things were slightly less hectic today at work. I’m expecting that this year won’t be as crazy as 2014 was. That highway wreck sucked but so did spraining my ankle the following year.

Looking forward to nice stretch of weather that is ahead of us. I just want spring to arrive. That said, I’m fully aware that the best days are ahead of us when it comes to summer. I look forward to hazy, hot and humid summer weekends at the Potholers.

Been thinking about the PA speaker for my truck. I think I’m going to get an unamplified model, and add amplifier later on if I decide it something I really need. This way the project is totally plug and play and will only set me back like $30. Thirty bucks these days really ain’t much money, but it will be fun to play with. I don’t need to blow out ear drums five miles away. Small 100 watt amps like found on Amazon if added later aren’t that expensive, like $30. But I doubt I will go for that. Still I like more power.