Happy Tuesday Morning!

Happy Tuesday Morning! Despite the clouds this morning, the weekend can’t be more than four days away. While I had some fun this weekend, it wasn’t like the kind of fun you can have going up to the Adirondacks, spending the weekend hiking, fishing, shooting guns, and burning things. In comparison, this past weekend was pretty boring. But there is still a lot of summer left.

This past weekend I went to Schodack Island State Park and did some hiking, kayaking, and fishing. It was nice but it was hot and the tides plus the winds made for some tough fishing and paddling.

Sunday, I went to the backwaters of the Mohawk by the Dolly Parton bridge on the Adirondack Northway, and the water levels were low with so much muck and vegetation in the water making for nasty padding. I didn’t get stuck too badly but it was so much muck. It would have been fine if I had another foot of water to paddle in – i.e. not the drought we have had lately. If there was more water, the fishing might be even be half decent there.

It was so dry this past weekend, that I didn’t really dare go up to the Adirondacks and have a roaring campfire,Β due to the wildfire threat. It poured for a while on Sunday in the Albany-area, and it looks like the Southern Adirondacks got a good rain this past week. Things might not be so dry by next weekend. The warm and dry weather is good for those of us hoping that the back-country roads open before Memorial Day Weekend … it should melt the remaining snow and get the dirt roads dry enough to drive on.

It would be fun to get out of town next weekend but I don’t know if that will work with the weather. Then again, we are a long ways from the weekend. Memorial Day Weekend is in two weeks but I still have no ideas on a plan. I’m kind of a bit bored with Moose River Plains. Maybe I could go to Vermont this year. Or maybe North Lake Reservoir. We will see, all of those locations have pros and cons. And heck, maybe it will rain, and I’ll end up staying home. God only knows.