Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

With some warm weather this week, πŸ–οΈ and Memorial Day Weekend just around the corner, it seems like summer is just kicking off. Hard to think that next weekend will be June and weekends at the Potholers in nine-degree heat aren't that far off nor is summer vacation.

It was the third of June…🌸

It seems like the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are upon us with the mercury heading up to the high-80s by afternoon. Back to work after a fun weekend, that didn’t involve heading too far from home or dealing with too many black flies. But first let’s listen to some Bobby Gentry.

Carrot pancakes this morning. πŸ₯• I broke down and bought another mini-chopper so I could have my carrots and oats well shredded for good quality pancakes. πŸ₯ž It’s small and cheap enough that I can bring it camping for good pancakes and Johnny cakes up at camp. I might try to take apart once again the bigger food processor — it really is better for some of recipes I make – – and I hate to throw it away as it’s not like I can burn it πŸ”₯ but at least I’ll be able to have good eats for now. Milled oats and apples on a hot night with cold yogurt, yum! That said, on some of these real scorcher of a night, I got fresh blueberries 🫐 and kefir which is perfect when one is hot and sweaty and needs a good refresh after a long bike ride.

While I totally meant to lubricate the bike chain 🚴prior to going to Thacher Park on Saturday, I finally got the lube out and done this morning. It’s important to keep the chain πŸ”— lubricated to avoid chain stretch and gear βš™ wear as I learned after the winter an expensive kind of way. The mud and water I was slinging can screw u9 a chain quickly with rust. I might have spilled a bit on the carpet – – I should have dun it outside, but I honestly I know the carpet is worn out crap landlord is going to rip it out two days after I move if it’s anything like other unit he’s gutting, 🚧 so at this point I care less and less. I’ve learned if I want to be happy in life, 😊 you got to care less because they’re going to throw it all away regardless what you do in your life. If you can’t save your country, at least save your own life.

Sunday dinner with the folks was fine, 🍽 ended up falling asleep out back on the swing set as I didn’t get enough sleep in the hammock the previous night. They had chicken and cornbread, πŸ— and some veggies, I mostly snacked on the veggies and fruit platers because I had just awoken and I’m trying to cut back on the calories, as it seems like most of the meals last week weren’t super healthy. And I’m supposed to have my physical on Wednesday, but I think the doctor πŸ§‘β€βš•οΈcalled last week to reschedule – – I really need to get caught upon the voice mails.

After dinner I went to Walmart to do my weekly shop, and got all the usual including a bill of about $140. πŸ’° It’s inflation and I needed coffee β˜• and I got that mini-food processor for $25 when you include tax. 🍏 I got the usuals, they had avocados and I got some of them for healthy fats. πŸ₯‘ I will be riding into work most of the week so I can stop by Hannaford mid-week if supplies are needed but hopefully I won’t need anything further. Seeing how much more life I can stretch out of my boots πŸ‘’ and cellphone πŸ“± before I end up replacing those things.

Remember, rent isn’t as cheap as it once is, and I have think this won’t be the last rent increase here, assuming the new landlord doesn’t try to push my out. 🏑 That said, I wouldn’t mind living closer to my office in Menands. There are some nice places in Menands, though I kind of would want off-street parking and nothing fancy. πŸ…Ώ If I was willing to drive, I could consider inexpensive rentals in a trailer park – – one of my colleagues does that and he says it’s a remarkably good value. I still want land, but I’m holding off on that because I’m not willing to give up my adventures. β›Ί

Do I spend enough time thinking and writing? πŸ’­

Lately since discovering the wonders of ebooks on my phone from the library, I spend more and more time reading. That takes away from time thinking and writing. Yet, there is so much to learn, I don’t know all of the answers myself. But at the same time, books don’t have all the answers too.