Save the Pine Bush Hike on Saturday, 9 AM


Save the Pine Bush
February Snowshoe Hike

Saturday, February 22, 2014 9:00 AM

Meet at: Pine Bush Discovery Center Parking Lot,East side of New Karner Rd. (Route155) opposite β€œT” with Old State Rd., Albany, NY;

For More Information: Andy Arthur at 518-281-9873 or email at

Leader: Andy Arthur

For the February Save the Pine Bush Hike, we will be visiting Blueberry Hill Pine Barrens. These lands were saved from development, thanks to hard-fought eight-year battle with developers by Save the Pine Bush, which resulted in setting legal precedents for cumulative impact under the State Environmental Quality Review Act.

We will explore one of the most scenic vistas in the Pine Bush and discuss the restoration efforts of this area. Those joining the hike should dress in layers, as it may be cold. Should there be snow or ice, please bring snowshoes, skis, or ice cleats. Don’t forget to pack water.

Please attend the Save the Pine Bush Hike, this Saturday at 9 AM.

Good Morning! Bright and Sunny Morning.

It’s a Thursday, which is often is commonly known as just another weekday that is sandwiched between the weekends. The junk of a time between the good times. One more day closer to spring – actually 28 days to be exact.

Deer Ridge

Warm enough today to merit just wearing my Carhartt vest to work. Maybe it will be a bit chilly by evening, but so be it. I would rather pretend that it’s spring out, and just hide inside buildings until a minute before my bus comes. I am tired of wearing heavy coats and sweater vests to work.


The sun looks deceivingly warm out there. Certainly if I planned on staying outside for a while, I would have dressed in layers. The sun probably will really warm you up, working outside, but if you stand still, the cold snow will rapidly cool you off, especially if a bit of a breeze picks up by afternoon.

Today is a pretty nice day, warm and sunny. Almost spring-like compared to this winter's harsh weather.

Good Morning! Happy Wednesday.

Hump Day. That’s what they sometimes call this day. A cloudy day this morning, but a fresh layer of snow on everything yesterday, makes things look quite pretty.


The bus was running about 5 minutes late this morning. Got on the bus this morning, and it was fully of driver trainees. Kind of funny, but I guess it’s a good route to choose, because the traffic on this bus tends to be pretty light. The driver today is driving extra slow and careful, because he has a supervisor standing right next to him.

Down to 29 days until calender spring. I guess that’s a good thing, especially because it seems like spring is coming earlier nowadays. That said, at least one prediction suggests that winter will be long this year and summer colder, due to the great amounts of ice on the Great Lakes right now. The PNA being locked in a positive phase, certainly is not helping the cold on the east coast – it could only be worst if the NAO got locked in the negative and we had blocking of the snowstorms and constant blasts of cold air.

Beyond Red Creek to the Heath Barrens

Spring will come. But I suspect it will be late this year. But balance is the norm in the system.

Farmers Market at the Empire Plaza today.

Hump day again. But we are getting closer to the weekend once again.

Bill Rosa’s Cabin is Getting Real Neat

All I can say is wow. He really has turned his bear-bones cabin in Oklahoma into something pretty impressive without being a complete greeny-crazy. I wish I lived his life. Maybe some day, not too far in the future, I will leave my run-down apartment for a real place in the woods.

See more on his Facebook Page and Youtube Page.

He certainly now has all of the toys in his off-the-grid cabin. I am just so jealous of how he lives. I've been watching his Youtube videos for quite a while now.

How Long Until New York Goes to 70 MPH on Expressways?

Recently, Pennsylvania started to allow the speed limit to be increased to 70 MPH on certain expressways with the passage of a new law. That leaves only a handful of states with a maximum speed limit of 65 MPH, mostly smaller New England States, along with Wisconsin. There is an active debate in that state to raise their limit. Oregon and Pennsylvania have no roads yet posted for 70 MPH, but both states have laws specifically allowing for speed limits to be posted up to 70 MPH.


Almost all of the western states have a maximum speed limit of 75 MPH or even 80 MPH in some cases. They tend to be spread out with wide lanes, few curves, and long viability. There is a strong case of having a faster speed limit out there, especially in light of newer cars having low gear ratios in top speeds, so they don’t burn quite as much fuel at those higher speeds.


There would likely be considerable controversy from the insurance lobby in New York, who pay more in high-speed loss claims. Truckers might also be oppose, as they would burn more fuel at higher speeds. The downstate dominated legislature (almost 70% of New Yorkers live in NYC Metropolitan counties), might not care much about speed limits on Upstate expressways.

But it’s unclear how long the opposition can hold out against higher speed limits, when every other state is adopting them. Most people already drive 70 MPH, and this law would only make enforcement fairer.

The only large state in the Continental United States without a 70 MPH speed limit on Expressways is now New York and Wisconsin. Wisconsin is expected to raise it's limit.